
Monday, January 4, 2016

Trying To Sing Instead of Scream #bothareok #griefsucks #childloss #sucksmore

"memories stay with us ya, stay with us ya"-The Holdup

I woke up this morning just wanting to scream at the fact that today your 21 and you didn't make it to see this milestone moment in your life. So instead (and I may still head out to scream somewhere) I went for a run. I'm one song in on my playlist and "your boys" come on with Back Then. Yes, Nu, I knew right away it was you! It reminded of you and Christy. You loved The Holdup from the minute you discovered them. Local boys trying to make a name for themselves. You loved that idea. But not everyone shared your love of them and you got teased a lot about that. Lovingly teased because anyone who knows you knows your deep love of music.  It just made you love them more. I remember the day you shared them with Christy. You were so excited. You two were always sharing music, new and old with one another. She hated them! She told you they were garbage. You laughed and told her she had no taste. Then when you would see her driving around town you would blast them and she would give you the "stink eye" or show you her lipstick?!?!. You always laughed.  After my run while I was coming up the driveway TWO gray doves flew from yours and my favorite oak tree. I recognized you right away. I'm thinking your with my friend Cory (as I ask him daily to take you under his wing) Maybe it's Kody. It could be anyone of our loved ones who deeply love you. I can't be sure, but I can be sure that I see the signs you share with me. Keep sharing them Noodle because I'm looking for them every minute of everyday. Some days there are none, some days there are more then one. Anyway, all the wonderful but heart breaking birthday wishes are starting to show up on social media all expressing how very much your missed and never to be forgotten. and since you shared "your Boys with me this morning it's only fitting I share here. I'm sharing "your boys" With a  LOVE so strong, Mama

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