
Monday, January 4, 2016

Birthday Wishes To Our Birthday Boy

Dad and I got on FB early this morning and already all the birthday greetings are being posted. Dad and I spent the afternoon with Jack and Dalton and it felt like you were right here with us. They love you and miss you so much Noodle. 

The first was from Maddee, saying Happy Birthday, I love you. 

These are some I'm able to see.  Your quite the social media buzz today baby boy! I know your lovin that! :)))

Jack shared this from last year:
Happy 21st Birthday Bubba, I love you- Jack
20 years ago today, a warrior, a joyful soul was brought onto this earth. This is the year where all the plans we have made for our birthdays occurring a month after each other, cannot take place. Andrew Phillip Kunz.. What a year it's been bubba! Nothing else has been floating through this head of mine. You brought a smile to my face, showed everyone so much love, touched many hearts, and still doing what you do best smile emoticon
I love you more than anything buddy. Have a badass birthday up there, don't go too craazy without me! We'll all have a reunion party some day . Stay Gold. Keep Smiling Andrew Philip Kunz AP

More from Jack-Love and miss you so much brother. Everyday wishing I could see you again just for a day. Have a badass 21st up there man. Happy Birthday Andrew Phillip 

From Dalton 
(your brother from another mother) -21 years ago, today, earth was blessed with an amazing soul. He conquered so much in that little bit of time he had in his life. And could have changed so much in this messed up world. God blessed him with such awesome personality and characteristics that he could have been president of the united states if he tried. You would be the one i would call if i was in any trouble, or couldn't figure something out. Or even if i just needed to vent. You were and still are my right hand man. Like two peas in a pod. We are inseparable. But unfortunately god needed you more than we did. You are truly amazing Andrew Kunz. I hope you are having a blast up there with the big man! I love and miss you so much bro. Happy Birthday Andrew Phillip Kunz. 

Happy birthday cuz! hope your having a good birthday up there! missing you everyday bro! love you

From Austin 
Happy birthday brother😇 They say time heals, and in a way I guess it has. When I think about you I can smile and laugh at all the great times we've had. The feeling of not having my best friend with me will never fade, it's an emptiness that I can't really explain. But I can now look back on everything and feel the same light you brought us every single day. You truly were an amazing individual and I can only feel blessed to have shared so many great memories with you(: I can't believe you're 21 today! Rest in paradise my friend🙌🏻

From Emilee
Today you would have been 21 and today I hope you are partying up there like you would have here. I miss you more then you will ever know! Wish I could call and talk to you just one more time and tell you happy birthday! I love you lots and will always miss you! (she attached the picture of you two in Grandpas golf kart in Palm Springs. I cant download right now but will)

Shelby on Insta with a great picture of the two of you happy- Living life out loud
Happy birthday Andrew #simplyjustmissed

From Michela Tywman
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Andrew Kunz!! Dude you are so awesome and left an impression on a lot of people. You always bring a smile on all of our faces! When your songs come on all I imagine is your dance moves you like to bust out. Your definitely livin up that after life and likely accomplishing your goals, still! And enjoying get them tacos you were talking about. There isn't one second passed that all your loved ones are thinking about you!!:) Cheers andrew 

From Seferino
Happy birthday bud! We all miss you bro! But I know you're doing great and watching over everyone, stay gold! Love you brotha!
Lauren Rock
Happy Birthday you amazing crazy ass. I miss you so much! So thankful I had you as a friend 
Mad love

Cody Coulter
Happy birthday

happy birthday i drank a beer cuz you turned 21

Taylor Rose
Constantly missing you man!

Adam Heasley
Andrew Happy Birthday! I miss you tons. Wish you were still with us. I love you bud.

We love you and miss you so much Andrew. Happy birthday. Stay gold 

Paula Kelly
Happy 21st Andy Kunz. I know you must be livin it up in paradise. You're always remembered & forever missed

Larry Smith
Happy birthday! Don't have to much fun up there. Keep us safe bro

Lexie Kuel
Happy birthday Andrew!! Everyone down here misses you! I hope you are going big up there for your 21!!(: have a good day!

Daniel Duff
Happy Birthday, you were a great dude

From Megan
Happy Birthday Andrew, I hope you are having quite the day up there and embracing your inner Miley. Still chanting Can't Stop, Won't Stop for you because we all know it's the truth (and a badass song). I miss you so much and of course sending much love your way heart emoticon

Makaila Carlson
Happy birthday angel Andy

Kalani Mendoza
Happy birthday brotha miss you!

Jose Quiroz
Happy Birthday Bro!!! We miss you!!! Keep looking over us.

Kylie Perez
Happy Birthday Andrew! We love and miss you

Maggie Ryan
Happy birthday!

Sawyer Harder
happy birthday bro we all miss you

Chase A
Happy 21st birthday brother. I hope you're up there partying your ass off and takin shots for all of us. I wish we could go back to the bmx days when we went to camp Woodward and a-town skatepark constantly. Always getting into some type of crazy shit! You're missed, man. Hope you're doing well up there. Love you dude

Adrian Koga
Happy birthday!!

Tyler Issacs
Happy birthday bro

Mandy Fletcher
Happy birthday bro

Billy M
Happy birthday Andrew

Happy 21st Birthday Andrew Kunz . Love and miss you buddy, rest in paradise heart emoticon ‪#‎pacificadiaperduo‬
heart emoticon

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