
Wednesday, July 13, 2016

My Heart, When It Had A Perfect Beat-Those sweats though, perfection!

Andrew, First leaning to do what he loved. Drive. he loved to drive any thing with 2 or 4 wheels. He was a great driver. After he took his driving test, the person testing him said he was so impressed with what a confident, safe and strong young driver he was! Andrew started watching us drive from his car seat in the back seat. He would watch every move you made while driving. Loved being in the car and never complained.

Mobbing with his fist truck and those sweats! Always the trend setter. Always the funny guy. This kid right here! <3 p="">
Our last family picture together right before Christmas. We were all so much "alive". We had no way of knowing, two months later everything and everyone would change and our handsome, sweet boy would be gone forever.

Grab your moments. Take your photographs, ect. Get in all the pictures. We're never promised tomorrow so take in what today is offering. Peace and Love, Ceressa

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