
Monday, June 6, 2011

Whatcha Watching?

I don't usually watch television "live".  I prefer to DVR my programs and watch later at night by myself.  I started doing this when my kids were younger mainly for their safety because" their mommy" was watching programing that might insight nightmares or age inappropriate sexual fantasy. (NO! NOT PRON just regular HBO programing) Now, It's become my way of getting time to myself and I enjoy the retreat.  But it's that boring time in the season where my regular shows have come to an end.  I'm waiting for HBO to bring on the new season of True Blood and Entourage,  There are no Weeds growing on Show Time yet.  Bravo isn't quite ready to start Flipping Out with Jeff  and by the way, where the hell did Rachel Zoe go anyway?   E thankfully has my favorite funny girl Chelsea Handler (whom I love and get all my hard copy news from) but sorry, I prefer Keeping Up With MY Kardashian's when they are all under the same roof. I just don't have the time to track down Chloe with Lamar, Courtney and Kim in Miami and Kim and whom ever in NY.  I mean really, who does have that kinda of time on their hands.

And Since I'm working hard at getting my Brazilian Butt back (don't laugh, I may just do it!), I've had to break it off with any Food channel whats.so.ever.  HGTV is often my fall back channel when nothing else is on but they just finished up with Selling New York, which spoiled me and now I can't watch those other shows about first time buyers or sellers. I just hate how they go into a house and the first thing they complain about is the color of room, geez, like that's a deal breaker? ..they always whine, "well I love the house, but I don't know about the colors".  I of course end up yelling at the TV like a rabid sports fan  "Really people! are YOU that STUPID, you can't paint dumb ass"...ya, I'm not a good mix with shows like that...

So the question for today is whatcha watching these days?  What wonderful shows are on Netflix or channels that I may be missing.  Is there a mini series not be must missed or better yet a show that's already a few season into it because I love watching full season's of something.

Hopefully some of you will help otherwise I may end up throwing my self over the side straight into a "Sister Wives" marathon...and we wouldn't want that now would we?


  1. Ancient Aliens. I've yet to finish an episode without falling asleep, but I am working on it. Tried to get into Army Wives, but eh...I may re-watch The Unit just to appease my need for eye candy AKA Max Martini. Waiitng for MY discs to come up on our Netflix cue...United States of Tara is calling me, but the kids hack into the cue and supply me with plenty of Martial Arts and teen angst. What a combo....

  2. Watching "The Incident" episode of Modern Family with maddy. Michell describing Dee Dee: "You know those fish that circle around you with their young in their mouth...? HAAAAAAA

  3. Renee HAAAAA I will have start watching reruns -this is the best show on TV-i love the episode where Cam and Mitchell find the "hot guy" in their hot tub and they both fall all over themselves to flirt and hang out with him until they find out he's homeless and living in Lilly's play house PRICELESS!!!!

  4. Game of Thrones!! Watch it!!

  5. Hi Mare, I will diffinitely give Games of Thrones a go..you know good TV. Hope all is well with you and the Fam. Your girls are such beauties:)
