
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Short Circuited No MORE!

It's only 9:00 am and it's already 91 in the sun according to the outdoor temperature gage-it's to hot to go for my run with doggies.  Marty will be bummed but he is too hairy and the concetre gets hot on his paws.  I think I'll swim...

For the past 6 weeks us Circuit Coaches  have been doing the new 90 day challenge to fitness and weight loss at Curves-we have been following an online diet plan that watches calories, allows good fats, complex carbs, healthy proteins and fruits and lots of veggies.  We have also been working out in the Circuit at least 4 times a week, and getting at least 30 minutes of cardio outside the studio-I must say, Team Paso Curves are a bunch of diehards cause we are all working out FOUR times the requirements.  And guess what-we are all showing FOUR times the results! YAY for us! We are working hard but it's fun and the diet plan is really easy. I have tried other programs and this program blows the other programs out of the water!  I have always gotten my cardio in, but by combining it with cardio Strength training in the Circuit, the results are amazing.  Cardio burns calorie and that's great, but it only burns the calorie you use during that workout-when you add strength training to any cardio workout you ramp up your metabolism, that flame continues to burn calories even when your not working out because the more lean muscle mass you build the more your metabolism stays on fire...Working out in the Circuit at a cardio rate I burn about 350-400 calories in 30 minutes but I continue to burn more for the rest of day-THAT'S JUST FOR STRENGTH TRAINING..add calories burned from what ever cardio exercise your doing and FAT doesn't stand a chance!

My hardest time is the night when I still have that urge to snack and it's really the reason I blog or update my status on FB like crazy-I need to keep my hands busy and out of the chocolate jar!  I can see I have readers, hold on to your paranoia pants, I can't see who you are, but I can see that my blog gets visits-so in support of my snack less new life-PLEASE COMMENT....it's easy, if you don't have a blog or google account just comment in anonymous and let me know who you are-or stay anonymous....that's kinda sexy;)

Well, time to put on the Tankini, yes all my hard work is paying off...no one piece for me..I know it's not my bikini, but more time in the Circuit strength training and more Zumba and that's just around the cornor